All seminars will be via zoom webinar this semester
Talks will start at 1:00 and end at 2:00, with a 30 minute discussion following
9/9/21 4:00p CT |
David Grayden, Univesity of Melbourne
Brain recording and stimulation with Stentrode |
9/16/21 |
Audrey Sederberg, UMN Building theories and tools for large-scale neural recordings |
UMN faculty |
9/23/21 |
Preston Donaldson and Zahra Navabi eSee-Shells: polymer skulls with integrated transparent electrode arrays for cortex-wide opto-electrophysiological recordings |
CNE students |
9/30/21 |
Abbey Holt, Medtronic
Near-peer |
10/7/21 | Florian Solzbacher, Univeristy of Utah Translation of Brain Computer Interfaces: from concept to patient use |
10/14/21 | Neuroethography |
Seminar |
10/21/21 | None | CNE Students |
10/28/21 |
Saskia de Vries
Imaging T32 speaker |
11/4/21 |
Teresa Jacobson Kimberley, PhD, PT, FAPTA |
11/11/21 |
None |
SfN |
11/18/21 |
None |
SfN |
11/25/21 |
None |
Thanksgiving |
12/2/21 |
Charles Springer, Oregon Health and Science University |
NORTHSTAR/ Imaging |
12/9/21 | Member meeting | Meeting |
12/16/21 |
Thomas Naselaris, UMN |
UMN Faculty |